
If users create a RiskAdjustedLinearization with the constructor

RiskAdjustedLinearization(μ, Λ, Σ, ξ, Γ₅, Γ₆, ccgf, z, y, Ψ, Nε)

where μ, Λ, Σ, ξ, ccgf are either in-place or out-of-place functions, then we use the wrapper types RALF1 and RALF2 to convert these functions to non-allocating ones. The implementation of these wrappers is similar to the implementation of LinSolveFactorize in DifferentialEquations.jl. See Automated Caching via RALF1 and RALF2 for further details. Unlike LinSolveFactorize, however, we need to be able to automatically differentiate with RALF1 and RALF2 so the cache needs to be handled more carefully. To do this, we utilize and extend the DiffCache type implemented by DiffEqBase.jl.

TwoDiffCache and ThreeDiffCache

The idea for DiffCache is that you need two caches, one for Dual numbers when applying automatic differentiation and one for the subtype of Number used for the actual array (e.g. Float64). For the $\Lambda$ and $\Sigma$ functions, this type works because they are functions of one input variables. The functions $\mu_z$, $\mu_y$, $\xi_z$, and $\xi_y$ also can use DiffCache once it is extended to work for functions with two input variables (e.g. the chunk size should depend on the length of both input variables).

However, for the $\mu$, $\xi$, and $\mathcal{V}$ functions, we actually need multiple caches for Dual numbers that differ in their chunk size. The reason is that not only do we need to be able to evaluate them with Dual numbers but we also need to apply automatic differentiation to calculate their Jacobians. Because all three of these functions take two input variables, the chunk size for the cache used to evaluate the functions themselves will be different from the cache used to calculate the Jacobians, which occur with respect to only one of the input variables.

Note that, by default, the cache is initialized with undefined values if arrays are dense and zeros if arrays are sparse.

Automated Caching via RALF1, RALF2, RALF3, and RALF4 Wrappers

The RALF1 type applies to functions with 1 input variables ($\Lambda$ and $\Sigma$), RALF2 to functions with 2 input variables (e.g. $\mu$, $\mu_z$), and so on. The way these wrappers work is that they take a user-defined function f and convert it to a new in-place function whose first input argument is a cache, which is a DiffCache, TwoDiffCache, or a ThreeDiffCache. The RALF1, RALF2, RALF3, and RALF4 types are callable in the same way LinSolveFactorize is.

For RALF2, the syntax (x::RALF2)(x1, x2) on its own would not work, however, because (1) it is not clear which input should be used to infer whether or not to use a Dual cache and (2) there are potentially multiple Dual caches. To get around this problem, we add an optional third argument named select, which is a Tuple{Int, Int}. The first element specifies which input argument to use for infering whether a Dual cache is needed, and the second element specifies which cache to use. By default, select = (1, 1). This approach is the same for RALF3 and RALF4. The types RALF3 and RALF4 are only relevant if $\Lambda$ and $\Sigma$ depend on jump variables.